E2E Logistics Bangladesh LTD.

Inland Haulage and Trucking


E2E operates with high quality truck carriers in the industry to have the clients shipments picked up and delivered on time and operates from all cities and inland points. Special handling and rush service with a perfect backup of equipment and talented qualified personnel are always available

Executive Management


E2E Logistics Bangladesh Ltd

Manzorul Hasan

Head of Business Unit
E2E Logistics Bangladesh Ltd

Phone: 880-2-8835652, 880-2-8835545

Email: manzorul.hasan@edison-bd.com

Cell : +8801777790802

For any General Query

Please contact with following addresses

Dhaka Office:

Shekh Fazle Ahasan RITU
Assistant Manager -Sales & Service Coordination

Mobile: +880 1777790823

E-mail: shekh.ritu@edison-bd.com

Corp Office: Rangs Babylonia (Level-07), 246 Bir Uttam

Mir Shawkat Road, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka-1208, Bangladesh.

Tel: +880 2 8878057, 8878058 |
Fax: +880 2 9847696 |

Chattogram Office:

Syed Hasan Bellah
Manager-Customer Service

Cell/Whatsapp: +880 1777790810

E-mail: syed.bellah@edison-bd.com

Operation Office: Shahjadi Chamber (Level-05), 138/B,

S.K Mujib Road, Agrabad C/A, Chattogram-4100, Bangladesh.

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